VDM Productions
VDM Productions
In 2021 VDM Productions, was born - connecting amazing creative people from around the world.
Tobias Wilson
Kimberley Dunn
Tim Pitchford
Ben Sheffield
Katie J
Richard Day
Joe Buchanan
Typler McKinney
Robert Lee
What VDM Productions is...
VDM Productions is the people that have lent me their talents to bring my words to life in ways that I could never do on my own. There are even one or two who wished to remain anonymous. I however am so very grateful to all of them. Your voices and your ideas, all so appreciated, all so humbling. Thank you.
To Tobias Wilson, who somehow along the way became a friend, and though not planned, my producer, I would never have a single song out in the world if it were not for him. I can never fully express my gratitude to you my friend. From those first few minutes of you riffing an idea for Winter’s Dream, to now. You’ve been a mentor and the most kind and generous collaborator I could ever hope to have. And I can’t say enough about the quality of what you do for me. Words have so much more power with music, power to really move and stir a soul. And you have given me so much music. It’s been an honor.
To Kimberley, whose voice has emboldened so many of my words. Too many songs to mention would be nothing without your talents. I'm still amazed that you were always willing to try something new that I was cooking up.
To Tim, whose creativity is unrivaled. Your voice and musical abilities have both impressed and surprised me so many times. He is a man who has the uncanny ability to sing my words the way I would, except when he does it, it's done with class and quality.
And the other men and women who have been invaluable in giving life to all my little words. You are all part of something that means the world to me, and I thank each and every one of you.
What VDM Productions does...
VDM Production brings my words to the world. It combines words with voices and voices with music. It frees a part of me, and shares it with you. To anybody who is even remotely interested in me, or my words. The happiest I ever am, is when somebody hears my words, so always know that. And if those words hit a nerve, or swell even the tiniest emotion or reaction, then I have accomplished more than I could have imagined. They may have been my words once, but I give them all to you….